Announcing my new 3.5hr “Better Landscape Photos with Lightroom” self paced online course on my new online photography educational website
Join me as I show you how to process and enhance 9 RAW landscape photographs in Lightroom. Much better than a webinar, this course includes 9 of my RAW landscape photos that you will be able to download yourself to work on and practice as you watch the pre-recorded videos at your own pace.
You can read the entire course description here.
The course is priced at just $34.95 and includes the 9 RAW files and 5 Lightroom presets I created for this course. That amounts to just $10 per hour of expert training, an incredible bargain! There is even a FREE Trial you can sign up for to take the course for a test drive.
You will feel like I am there with you as I go into detail explaining the corrections and adjustments I make to the photos. You will benefit from working on the exact same files as I am, accelerating your learning pace.
Five Lightroom presets that I created are also downloadable and I show you how to install and use them.

Questions during the course? Use the Discussions tab to ask and answer questions in the online course interface.
This course can play on your computer (needed for file download). You can also sign in on your iPad, iPhone, or other tablet or smartphone using the web browser.

After this 3.5hr course you will have a much better understanding of the Develop Module in Lightroom, you will be better able to analyze your photos, and better able to process them into stunning photos worthy of printing and hanging on your wall.
This course is geared for all skill levels. A basic understanding of Lightroom is all that is needed.

In addition to the Better Landscape Photos with Lightroom course, I have another course that features FREE photography tutorials that will be updated from time to time with fresh content.
More courses are coming very soon. I am already in production on the next course, Better Landscape Photos with Capture One Pro.